Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I've been living my entire adult life inside the confines and amongst the ignorance of the post 9/11 world. Just about a decade of endless wars, perpetual earthrape and the calculated exacerbation of poverty apparently erased by some covert maneuver, gun shots and a dead Saudi who dies plenty paid, like Dick Cheney money, nothing learned from the belligerent fanaticism of before. Too many people on September 12th said take my wallet, keys and kids, whatever it takes to bullshit me. An empty gesture, an empire on life support, pigs raiding the trough, licking it clean, bleeding your grandmother, the erasure of any possible future for the next generation.
Frat-chant "USA !" all you want, Braden and Tyler. Your team fumbled the ball a long time ago. The wealthy mutants whose names and addresses you'll never learn have aborted your children far more thoroughly than Planned Parenthood ever could. Get a six foot sub and a three liter of Shasta Cola. It's gonna be a good one.

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